oh crap daycare bluebrint course logo

Get ready to say goodbye to diapers —and say hello to feeling prepared for the transition back to daycare or preschool with your potty training toddler!

You’re tired of second-guessing how to do this right. 

Scrolling the depths of Google.

Trying to match up tips that kinda sorta sound like what you’re seeing with your potty training toddler. 

Or maybe you're hoping to avoid the dreaded accident-alert message from school. 🤞🚽

What ELSE can you do?

This jam-packed potty training course includes the complete toolbox to problem-solve-your-way through any daycare potty training situation.

ChatGPT has NOT personally consulted thousands of families through daycare and preschool snafus.

But we have.

So we took that experience and weaved together ALL the solutions for what can go wrong into THIS easy-to-jam-through course.

Because we know...

you’re already a busy working parent with SO MUCH on your plate. 

How can you play potty detective for daycare (when you’re not even WITH your toddler)?

Feeling SO lost? 

What's the solution for YOUR situation?

Enter....the Oh Crap! Daycare Blueprint course with scripts, lists, and guides to prep you from the START.

daycare course graphic

You can’t change your daycare’s potty training policies.

You can’t know exactly what’s happening at your toddler’s daycare...

What are they saying for prompts?

What happened before the accident?

But you can prepare for this potty training milestone with the right expectations and the best setup possible

Like Elle Woods mapping out the path to pass the LSAT with flying colors

Are you wondering…

🍎 WHY your child will sit multiple times and try at daycare, but nothing ever comes out? 

🍎 WHAT can you do if potty chairs aren’t allowed at daycare. And what if your child has to wear underwear? (You know from Oh Crap Potty Training that it's best to get solid in pants commando first.)

🍎 HOW to get your toddler to use the daycare potty when prompts are leading to meltdowns?

Imagine having the solutions within reach...

That’s exactly why we made this online potty training course
to help parents experiencing issues at daycare or preschool. Inside the course, you will learn HOW to troubleshoot and WHAT TOOLS work through any of these problems...

🚽 Not seeing enough pee (holding pee)
(no matter how often teachers bring your child to the potty)

🚽 Seeing too many pee accidents at daycare
🚽 Knowing your child is holding poop at daycare

🚽 Finding out your child pooped in their pants at daycare

Press play below to hear what's inside the course!! ▶️

This instant-access course helps you transition your child to daycare or preschool (diaper-free).

Inside the course, we share…

💡 the scoop on how to prep BEFORE your child goes back to daycare/preschool.
💡 PLUS how to troubleshoot any problems that come up at daycare. 

Want a peek inside the course, Oh Crap! How To Potty Train With Daycare Or Preschool?

Let's get your daycare potty problem fixed...

before it escalates, before you lose your mind, and before daycare loses their patience. 

Jamie and Jen bio photos


Jamie Glowacki is an internationally recognized potty training and parenting expert. She's the bestselling author of Oh Crap Potty Training and Oh Crap I Have a Toddler, as well as hosting her popular podcasts, The Oh Crap Potty Training Podcast and Oh Crap Parenting With Jamie Glowacki.

For the past 15 years, she has helped thousands of families with the charming yet infuriating toddler stage of parenting. For courses, live classes, and private consulting, please visit jamieglowacki.com.

Jen L’Italien is a potty training consultant who helps toddler parents find their way in the what-can-feel-exhausting process of potty training. For the past 8 years, she’s run Oh Crap Potty Training From ME To You.

Jen’s worked with thousands of clients around the world. She’s been a featured speaker in potty training workshops with mom groups, libraries, and childcare centers. Jen has been featured by media including Parents magazine, the Washington Post, CNN Underscored, Airbnb Magazine, and the Huffington Post. For courses and personal consulting, please visit her site.

Are you a data nerd, too?

Yup, here for the numbers.

Check out these key numbers that show why we know what we're talking about with daycare potty training.

numbers related to Oh Crap Consultants
woman looking at phone with computer

Sure ... you COULD hope your child doesn’t wear-out-their-welcome at preschool, as the teachers send home bag-after-bag of wet clothes.

But wait — consider having solutions when you need them.

  • Log into the course when you have a break in the day to listen to a short video.

  • Jump to the troubleshooting lesson that describes YOUR problem. BINGO.

Yup, we know it’s tough to even make dinner happen. You’re working and squeezing ALL the things into your day. 

That’s why we designed this as a go-at-your-own-pace course. 

You can dive in whenever works for you — after your child’s bedtime, lunch break at the computer, early-bird up at the crack of dawn. Check, check.